MyParcel Asia Prohibited and Restricted Item List
The following items are prohibited and not acceptable for courier:
1. Domestic – Prohibited Items
The following items will NOT be accepted for carriage by our courier partners :
- Jewellery, gold, antiques and precious stones
- Live Plants
- Drugs, narcotics, and paraphernalia
- Firearms, weaponry, their parts or ammunition including toy and/or fake/counterfeit goods
- Human parts/remain (including cremated ashes)
- Animals (including insects, eggs, larva, birds and ivory)
- Coins, currency notes, bullions, credit cards and bearer negotiable instrument
- Counterfeit and pirated goods (including CDs, VCDs and DVDs)
- Pornographic and/or obscene materials
- Articles which may endanger health, safety and environment or damage other items
2. Domestic – Restricted Items
The following items will NOT be accepted for carriage unless otherwise agreed to by our courier partners :
- Dangerous goods (explosives, flammable liquids, corrosives, radioactive material)
- Perishable items (food, organic and industrial waste, live plants, seeds)
- Awkwardly-sized (vehicle, furniture, machinery)
- High value goods (jewellery, gold, precious metals and gemstones, fine art, currency)
- Biological substances (human parts/remains, blood samples, live/dead animals)
- Liquid restricted but should it damaged during in transit, claim application is not possible and loss is borne by the sender
- Tobacco and alcohol
- Pornography
3. International – Prohibited Items
The following items will NOT be accepted for carriage by our courier partner :
- Counterfeit goods
- Arms and Weapons
- Illegal drugs and narcotics
4. International – Restricted Items
The following items will NOT be accepted for carriage unless otherwise agreed to by our courier partners :
- Dangerous goods (explosives, flammable liquids, corrosives, radioactive material)
- Perishable items (food, organic and industrial waste, live plants, seeds)
- Awkwardly-sized (vehicle, furniture, machinery)
- High value goods (jewellery, gold, precious metals and gemstones, fine art, currency)
- Biological substances (human parts/remains, blood samples, live/dead animals)
- Tobacco and alcohol
- Pornography